Saturday, 13 December 2014

Mini Lush Haul

I decided to have a little splurge at Lush because, well, no one needs an excuse to shop at Lush. I didn't want to buy a lot of things because my mom is spot on with Christmas presents so she may have got me some things. 
Click read more to see what I think of these beautiful items!


I Got a New Camera!

It's about time I got a new camera. My old Nikon bridge camera has been packed away in a box for so long because its rubbish! So I started saving got bought an entry level DSLR, the 100D. She was around £400 mark from and came with a 18mm - 55mm kit lens and a few other accessories that haven't arrived yet. 
I also bought a 50mm f/1.8 lens for more up close shots but Im still learning about it all. So far I am IN LOVE with my DSLR!
These pictures were all shot with the kit lens and 50 mm f/1.8.

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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Current Make-up

I've been so absent from my blog because university is literally taking over my life! That and my laptop and camera decided to break within weeks of each other. Luckily that problems solved and I have a new laptop and my camera should be here within the week.

Its winter guys and it's really cold (spot the obvious hey!) and that usually means big woolly hats and scarves wrap around our faces. I've never been one for either of those things. Instead you can paint your face like Monet and hope it covers up your terrible winter skin. 
I'm wearing L'Oreal True Match Foundation in W4/W5 mixed together (because I really need new foundation)
NYX HD Translucent Powder
 Eyes -
Maybelline Eraser Eye Concealer Light in Light
Collection Extreme 24Hr Felt Tip Liner
Benefit They're Real Mascara
Rimmel Lash Accelerate 
Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette (Foxy all over lid; Naked 2 in crease and Venus to highlight) 
Brows -
Maybelline Master Brow in Blonde
Soap and Glory Archery in Brownie Points
Lips -
Maybelline Color Sensational Lip Liner Midnight Plum

My new camera should be here any day now so keep watching for better quality photos & more blogging yay!
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Monday, 1 December 2014

Friday, 7 November 2014

My Hair, Nails and Skin Holy Grail

Over the past year I've discovered a hidden gem in the he vitamin world that has helped me to improve my hair, skin and nails.
I'm in no ways being paid to write this, I just want to share something I've found that really works for me! 

Sea kelp is a supplement available from health shops like Holland and Barrett. They are tiny tablets that are branded to support weight management because they contain Iodine which is a key ingredient in any kind of fat binding or weight loss tablet.

I was recommended these on the basis of it being a vitamin for hair and nail growth no weight management and after having tried these for over 6 months I can confidently say, they do nothing to help with weight loss.

Dietary information -
Suitable for vegetarians
No added sugars
No artificial colours
Gluten free
Lactose free
Milk free
Porcine free
No artificial preservatives
Soya free
Starch free
Wheat free
Yeast free
Salt free
No artificial sweeteners

After taking these 3 times a day for at least 2 weeks I've noticed a dramatic increase in the growth of my hair and nails, especially with the latter. My nails are longer and strong than ever which I am pleased about, and my hair is growing like the clappers.

500 15mg Sea Kelp tablets are currently on offer at Holland and Barrett for half price here

If you've tried these or have any other hair and nail vitamin success (or failure) stories, please comment and let me know!
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Friday, 10 October 2014

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder...

I wish I didn't have excuses for my prolonged absence from the blogging scene, but unfortunately I have a heap.
Firstly my month in Canada was jam packed full on shopping and looking after my nieces and nephews, along with helping me sister who has the busiest life ever!
Secondly, I bought very little in Canada that I could take a picture of before I devoured it (their food is the best in the world I swear). It was mostly stationary and washi tape which you can just Google because it all looks the same. 
Thirdly, I booked my flights home from Canada 2 days before I moved into my new university house so that time between arriving in the UK and starting my 3rd year, was spent packing and moving and unpacking and washing (ZZzzzz)

3rd Year at university is starting off with a bang. Work is piling up and funds are low so I know i won't be buying lots of things to blog about. I'll probably just do lots of writing blogs which I like so I'm sorry if you read my blog often, and don't like those.

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Saturday, 2 August 2014

One Month In Canada

If you follow my blog or any of my social media accounts (links are on the left) you will know that I am heading to Canada for a month. I made this trip last summer to see my brother and sister who live there, along with their children. This year I'm going for an entire month and flying a different route via Iceland and directly into the city my family live in rather than a direct flight to a different city and get a coach.

If you've never been to Canada I seriously suggest looking into it and not just the popular tourist cities. The mountains are beautiful and the people are the friendliest I have ever met. The country is truly beautiful whether you want to sightsee, shop in one of the worlds biggest malls (West Edmonton Mall) or camp in the mountains, Canada is worth every penny!

I've scheduled some posts for while I'm away and will try my best to blog. Keep checking my social media pages for pictures and updates.

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Friday, 1 August 2014

Top 5 Travel Tips

The weather might be unpredictable but the chance of you going away to somewhere hot and sunny this summer is pretty certain. I've been lucky enough to travel a lot of times and realised its important to take the right things with you. These are my top 5 travel tips for this summer. 



Myself and millions of other people on the world have this deep satisfactory feeling of happiness when buying stationary. If you don't, you're missing out. 
The perfect way to curb the need to constantly buy stationary is to buy a Filofax or another kind of organiser/journal. 

I've had mine since the start of university but only really started using it and decorating it when my friend showed me these amazing IG and YouTube videos of 'planner nerds' 
They have intensively crazy planners which are decorated with washi tape, stickers and all sorts. Just YouTube or search on IG for Filofax set up and planner decoration - you will be amazed! 

Anyway, I had a need to start buying some stationary for my 3rd year at university which I start in September (it's gone way too fast someone take me back to primary school!) so had a quick nose in staples.   
Pictures quality is poor due to my camera deciding to break. 

I picked up an Oxford refill pad HALF PRICE for under £2.

These cute memo pads came in a pack of 3 for only £1.20! 

And finally this cute polka dot tray of clips, paper files and pins for £2.29. The tiny clips are a perfect size for my Filofax. 

Let me know you're stationary favourites or what you will be using this year in the classroom/workplace! 
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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Sweet Potato Pizza

I've always loved experimenting with food and cooking since I can remember and this has never changed. This is my take on a healthy version of pizza which is suitable for vegetarians, coeliac suffers and can be adapted for vegans too.
Click READ MORE for the full recipe!
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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

L'Oreal Skin Perfection Review

Many of my friends have asked me whether I use anything from L'Oreal's Skin Perfection range and I feel the need to go into detail about my opinions on the products I've used.
Instead of explaining I've written this.
So have a read and form your own opinions!
Click Read More for all the details.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Building up a Make up Collection | Eyeshadow

There must be so many people who want to build up a good make up collection but don't know how. I know I didn't for sure. Hopefully these short few posts will give you an idea about where to start.

I feel like this E.L.F palette is the perfect way to slowly build up a make up collection in terms of eyeshadows. Obviously a palette is a good starting point as it has lots of colours all in one place.
I found this one in the clearance section of the E.L.F website for £5 instead of £10 (bargain, I know!). It would of been a bargain at £10 too, as it contains 100 highly pigmented colours and even some with marble effect.

The range of colours are perfect for everyday for evening looks. The colours are all warm and easily blendable. The palette includes nudes and white for highlighting brow bones and inner corners. E.L.F products are value for money and good quality so I would definitely add this to your collection whether you're starting out or stocking up!

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Sunday, 8 June 2014

Belated May Favourites

Woah! As if May has been and gone already... 
I've been slacking for so long on my blogging so this is just a really quick post.
Click read more to take a peek at my May favourites! 


Saturday, 3 May 2014

3 Top Tips for Exam Stress

I'm currently in my second year at university so trust me, I know about exam stress. Whether its your GCSE's, A-levels, finals or just any assignment, you are probably feeling the pressure right now!
These are my Top 3 Tips to help you de-stress during this period



Sunday, 20 April 2014

3 Online Jewellery Shops to Check Out

Firstly I apologise for the absence but I've been having a lazy Easter break and without my camera I felt lost! However, I'm back and ready to tell you about 3 amazing online jewellery shops I think you should check out.
Click read more for all the details!


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

March Favourites

March is over and Spring has finally arrived (Yay!!). Today is officially April 1st, my birthday! (Yes I am blogging on my 20th birthday)
I've never done a monthly favorite post before and I've been using a lot of products this past month. All of these have been featured in previous posts so just have a scroll back and read about them

MAC Charged Water

Handmade Jewellery by me

NYX Finishing Powder - Translucent 

Benefit They're Real
MAC Lipstick

Benefit Speed Brow
Barry M Gelly Hi Shine

I'd love to hear about your March Favorites so leave a comment below!
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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Spring Nails

I ventured into Superdrug recently and ended up buying a lot of things, as usual. Barrry M have bought out a new Aquarium range (what will they think of next?!).
 There's 6 colours, 2 of which are glitter and the other 4 are a metallic type retailing at £3.99 each which is still a bargain for such good nail varnish.

There were only 3 colours left in Superdrug so I picked up the two I liked best. 'Arabian' which is a green/blue metallic and 'Mermaid' which is a blue glitter.

The other two colours I picked up were from the Gelly Hi Shine range which is also £3.99. Id wanted a royal, bright blue for a while and the picture of 'Blue Grape' doesn't do the colour justice; its so bright.
The other colour 'Green Berry' is a bright turquoise and looks so much more vivid and pigmented once painted onto your nails. 

With Barry M I find 2 coats is ample but 3 creates a brighter colour but lasts just as long. I'm yet to discover a brand of nail varnish I like even more when it comes to price and quality.
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