Thursday, 28 May 2015

Top 5 Drugstore Spring/Summer Lip Colours

I love that you can change your make up with the changing of the seasons just as easily as you can change your clothes. With Spring and Summer come light and playful colours and less heavy duty make up. Click Read More for my current Top 5 Spring/Summer drugstore lip colours!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Summer 2015 Update

I just wanted to update those who read my blog, with a little insight into my busy couple of months. I have finished my degree and moved back to the midlands which was a stressful experience in itself, mainly because I still haven't fully unpacked (argh!)

I am venturing off to Canada for 3 & a half months starting June 4th. I am beyond excited to be going back to Canada because it is such as beautiful country and I have lots of close family over there. I decided to go for this long because I don't know when I will ever get the time to go for an extended period again. 

I've decided to vlog my journey and time in Canada and I will be uploading my vlogs to my YouTube channel HERE - so go and subscribe to be the first to see my Canadian Adventure! post signature
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