Tuesday, 24 March 2015

100th Blog Post

How crazy is that?! 
Yup I've sat down 100 times to write on my blog. That's a lie, its been probably about 300 times but I constantly delete posts because they end up turning into waffle and pictures of cats....

I've been blogging for 3 years now and I'm pretty proud of how far I've come. I love blogging and it's changed my life, literally. I am currently in the middle of writing my dissertation based up fashion bloggers! I would never of chosen this subject if it wasn't for the blogging community and now I feel I know where I want to go in life, and it's because of this.
Do what you love and love what you do!
I'm so excited for what the future holds for me and my blog. I hope to take it and the people who read it, to far flung places with blue oceans and red sunsets.
But for now, I'll just concentrate on my infinite deadlines and stress spots...
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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Spring Wishlist

Spring is upon us and the floral and pastels will be out before you know it. However, I am currently loving the 60s/70s boho trend at the moment like you wouldn't believe so I've compiled a mood board of my favourite S/S 15 looks that I am loving/want.

Miss Selfridge £20

Miss Selfridge £32

Dorothy Perkins £12.50

Dorothy Perkins £24

BooHoo £12
BooHoo £15
BooHoo £18
Newlook £19.99
Newlook £5.99
ASOS £30

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Thursday, 5 March 2015

Sleek MakeUp Blushes & Precious Metals Highlighting Palette Review

Sleek Make Up is one of my favorite brands for blusher. The packaging is simple and the product is highly pigmented. The individual blushers are a bargain for £4.49. 
L-R Suede, Rose Gold and Life's a Peach

Suede is a really nice matte brown. Its too light for me to use as a contour or bronzer because I have an olive complexion but it's my go-to blusher if I'm undecided or in a rush.
Rose Gold is a pink glitter blush that's extremely pigmented so you only need a light brushing for a large pay off. This makes a great highlighter too.
Thirdly is Life's a Peach. This orange blush is really nice for summer and creating subtly natural looks for day time.

The Precious Metals Highlighting Palette is also a bargain for £10! You get 3 creme highlighters and 1 powder highlighter. All but one are variants of gold, with the powder highlighter being the darkest shade and one creme being a shimmery white.

L-R -
Royal Gold, Platinum, Renaissance Gold, Antique Bronze
 Each colour has amazing pay off and are pretty versatile so you wouldn't strictly have to use them as highlighters. 

 The only problems I encountered with this palette are the powdered highlighter becoming stuck in the creme squares and the lid not leaning back far enough.
When you use the powder it becomes loose and gets stuck onto the creme areas which isn't ideal.
The lid of the actual palette only opens to a 90 degree angle... I'm not sure if it's just mine but its pretty annoying!

With Flash
Other than that I love this palette for colour, versatility and price. Its a pretty handy little palette for being on the go and travelling!

Has anyone else used this or encountered the same problems?
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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Building up a Make Up Collection | Mascara

I started this theme of posts a long time ago and haven't got round to doing one for a while... until now! This is going to be a quick ramble about how to find the perfect mascara for you and how to make new additions to your make up collection.
To read the full post, click read more

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