Monday, 23 November 2015

Lush Cup O Coffee Review & Swatch

After a recent trip to Lush, I came away with a few products I had never tried before including this face and body mask.

This coffee scented face and body mask was recommended to me by a Lush employee when I told her I loved the Ocean Sea Salt face and body scrub. The sea salt really helps to exfoliate as it's quite coarse but gentle on the skin.

Cup O' Coffee contains roasted cocoa extract, vetivert and coriander oil. It has a rich coffe scent but not as strong as I expected meaning it would probably be tolerable for someone who doesn't enjoy the smell of coffee.

As this is a mask rather than a scrub like Ocean Sea Salt, its consistency is thicker and more together. It has similar exfoliating properties including ground coffee beans to help work off dead skin.

I have used this product as both a mask and an exfoliator and in my opinion it works better as a mask for those who prehaps have normal-dry skin. As a mask its thick and easy to spread but to use it to exfoliate is a little harder. The thickness means it doesn't spread over the skin as well as Oceans Sea Salt, however I would still use this in a quick morning shower to make me feel refreshed!

This gorgeous smelling mask/scrub is perfect for those who want a quick morning wake up and enjoy the smell of coffee!
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Wednesday, 28 October 2015


This week I graduated from university (yay!) and even though it was a fun day full of celebration, it was stressful at times. I wanted to share some pictures from my day and wish all those who graduated this year, or will be doing so, good luck!

My dress was from Chi Chi Clothing and the heels were a last minute grab from Peacocks
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Monday, 12 October 2015

Life Update: What is going on?

Since coming back from Canada I've had to do a lot of deciding and prioritizing about how I'm going to start my life post university.
Since I was 4 years old, every summer I've known that in September I'll be starting a new year of school. Whether it be primary or secondary school, 6th form or university, I knew I was going to be in education. Except for this year!
Whilst enjoying my summer in Canada, I knew when I was home I would have to start looking for a job and creating my future path. It was easier said than done and after a month of looking for a job I finally found something I wanted to do.
Whilst battling with the unemployment demons I was also chasing up a piece of lost luggage. It took me a month but I was finally reunited with my suitcase that contained my entire summer wardrobe an a lot of items I rely on for blogging (hence the absence).

Now things are finally looking up and I know how my days will be looking, I'll be back posting reviews and talking about everything beauty related that I love. I was lucky enough to buy a lot of make up and beauty related things in Canada that aren't available, hard to find, or expensive in the UK (yay!), so I have no shortage of writing material for my blog.
I'm excited to see where this new chapter on my life is going to take me! 

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Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Canada So Far...

I haven't found the time to write a blog post in ages... as you can tell. My Canada trip is as hectic as ever and not a lot changes. My days are filled with watching my nieces and nephews run around and cause havoc, bug each other and love one another. It's precious time I don't want to waste.

I've been doing lots even though sometimes it feels like I am not.
I've been Canadian Camping (what I call it) twice with my family and had the privilege of swimming in Gull Lake, jet skiing and boating with plus 30 degree weather.

Also I treated myself to a lot of make up goodies that are only available or easily accessible in North America! I will be doing lots of blogging and reviews of make up and skin care items when I'm back on English soil but right now I can't get a spare minute (and the right lighting) to take pictures and right a decent blog post.

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Thursday, 18 June 2015

I'm Vlogging! - Canada Vlog Part 1

As mentioned in a previous post, I have been/am vlogging during my stay in Edmonton AB Canada. I will post links to the vlogs I upload to YouTube so you can follow me during my summer.
Be sure to follow all my social media accounts to check up on my adventure & when I'll be uploading new vlogs.


Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Crown Makeup Brush Discount Code June 2015

If you're looking for new make up brushes, look no further!
You may already know I get a new discount code for Crown Make up Brushes every month or so, so that you readers can get new, good quality, cheaper brushes!
This month is no different. Click the link below to receive 10% off your entire order.

Have fun & enjoy the start of summer!

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Tuesday, 2 June 2015

NYX & Makeup Revolution Baked Blush Review

Baked Blushers are a fairly new concept to me and something that stands out from normal blushes. A year ago I would never have touched a make up product with any kind of glitter or shimmer in but now that's all changed and I reach for my highlighter and shimmery eyeshadow nearly every day.
I recently purchased two of the NYX Baked Blushes and one Makeup Revolution Vivid Baked Blush.
Click Read more for my opinion on these & some swatches!


Thursday, 28 May 2015

Top 5 Drugstore Spring/Summer Lip Colours

I love that you can change your make up with the changing of the seasons just as easily as you can change your clothes. With Spring and Summer come light and playful colours and less heavy duty make up. Click Read More for my current Top 5 Spring/Summer drugstore lip colours!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Summer 2015 Update

I just wanted to update those who read my blog, with a little insight into my busy couple of months. I have finished my degree and moved back to the midlands which was a stressful experience in itself, mainly because I still haven't fully unpacked (argh!)

I am venturing off to Canada for 3 & a half months starting June 4th. I am beyond excited to be going back to Canada because it is such as beautiful country and I have lots of close family over there. I decided to go for this long because I don't know when I will ever get the time to go for an extended period again. 

I've decided to vlog my journey and time in Canada and I will be uploading my vlogs to my YouTube channel HERE - so go and subscribe to be the first to see my Canadian Adventure! post signature

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Lets Talk Ted Baker

I recently popped into Boots and couldn't pass up their 3 for 2 offer on some of their more luxurious products. Click read more for the full details


Monday, 27 April 2015

I feel the need to explain...

I haven't blogged in over month and I feel the need to explain why.
Those who are in their final year of university will completely understand how stressful it is. My dissertation (or management project as my uni likes to call it) has taken over my life. 
Everyday for the past I don't know how many weeks, I have been sat in the library working away at methodology chapters, literature reviews and every other part of my 10,500 word project and it's killing me! However, the end is near and I have submitted my final draft for feedback and then it's not long until it will be handed in.

The only other viable reason I have for my absence is that I lost the charger for my camera battery so I couldn't take any blog pictures.
I've found it now praise the lord! I have bought SO many new things so I will be reviewing lots & blogging about my up and coming summer adventures, yay! 
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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

100th Blog Post

How crazy is that?! 
Yup I've sat down 100 times to write on my blog. That's a lie, its been probably about 300 times but I constantly delete posts because they end up turning into waffle and pictures of cats....

I've been blogging for 3 years now and I'm pretty proud of how far I've come. I love blogging and it's changed my life, literally. I am currently in the middle of writing my dissertation based up fashion bloggers! I would never of chosen this subject if it wasn't for the blogging community and now I feel I know where I want to go in life, and it's because of this.
Do what you love and love what you do!
I'm so excited for what the future holds for me and my blog. I hope to take it and the people who read it, to far flung places with blue oceans and red sunsets.
But for now, I'll just concentrate on my infinite deadlines and stress spots...
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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Spring Wishlist

Spring is upon us and the floral and pastels will be out before you know it. However, I am currently loving the 60s/70s boho trend at the moment like you wouldn't believe so I've compiled a mood board of my favourite S/S 15 looks that I am loving/want.

Miss Selfridge £20

Miss Selfridge £32

Dorothy Perkins £12.50

Dorothy Perkins £24

BooHoo £12
BooHoo £15
BooHoo £18
Newlook £19.99
Newlook £5.99
ASOS £30

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Thursday, 5 March 2015

Sleek MakeUp Blushes & Precious Metals Highlighting Palette Review

Sleek Make Up is one of my favorite brands for blusher. The packaging is simple and the product is highly pigmented. The individual blushers are a bargain for £4.49. 
L-R Suede, Rose Gold and Life's a Peach

Suede is a really nice matte brown. Its too light for me to use as a contour or bronzer because I have an olive complexion but it's my go-to blusher if I'm undecided or in a rush.
Rose Gold is a pink glitter blush that's extremely pigmented so you only need a light brushing for a large pay off. This makes a great highlighter too.
Thirdly is Life's a Peach. This orange blush is really nice for summer and creating subtly natural looks for day time.

The Precious Metals Highlighting Palette is also a bargain for £10! You get 3 creme highlighters and 1 powder highlighter. All but one are variants of gold, with the powder highlighter being the darkest shade and one creme being a shimmery white.

L-R -
Royal Gold, Platinum, Renaissance Gold, Antique Bronze
 Each colour has amazing pay off and are pretty versatile so you wouldn't strictly have to use them as highlighters. 

 The only problems I encountered with this palette are the powdered highlighter becoming stuck in the creme squares and the lid not leaning back far enough.
When you use the powder it becomes loose and gets stuck onto the creme areas which isn't ideal.
The lid of the actual palette only opens to a 90 degree angle... I'm not sure if it's just mine but its pretty annoying!

With Flash
Other than that I love this palette for colour, versatility and price. Its a pretty handy little palette for being on the go and travelling!

Has anyone else used this or encountered the same problems?
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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Building up a Make Up Collection | Mascara

I started this theme of posts a long time ago and haven't got round to doing one for a while... until now! This is going to be a quick ramble about how to find the perfect mascara for you and how to make new additions to your make up collection.
To read the full post, click read more


Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Pastel OOTD

I love pastels, even in Winter you can't go wrong with some soft colour. It doesn't have to be all dark and gloomy.
 photo full OOTD.jpg

I bought this coat in an ASOS sale way back in September but never wore it because I felt it was too big and oversized for me.
Then then first time I wore it a lovely lady stopped and complemented me on it and asked where it was from. That complement from a stranger gave me the confidence to wear it a lot more!
The top is just a plain cotton feel v neck top from ASOS here. Its super light weight and stretchy so its perfect for layering up or on its own.

 photo newlook blue slingback flat shoes.jpg

I paired it with these cute sling back flats from New Look that I bought last summer and a pair of Eden skinny jeans from Dorothy Perkins turned up at the bottom (I'm so short!)
Buy similar jeans here and similar shoes here.

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This is now new favourite coat and even though its lightweight, its perfect for mild days when you can layer up underneath it. It hands loosely which makes it handy for wrapping around yourself or having a thick jumper underneath.

And my hair was just tied in a top knot because even though I love it now it's short, thiw is about the only style I can be bothered to do before a 9am lecture!
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Sunday, 18 January 2015

Crown Make Up Brush Discount Code

Fancy 10% off a new set of make up brushes for the New Year?!

Use the discount code 2015BRUSH 
for 10% off Crown Brushes by clicking below and entering the discount code.

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Saturday, 17 January 2015

£5 Off an Etsy Purchase

If you've never been on Etsy or bought something from there I seriously recommend it as you're missing out greatly! 
Its a website full of amazing shops owned by ordinary people selling handmade and crafted items. Items vary from journals to duvets to candles and jams. By clicking the link below I am giving you £5 OFF an order of your choice, whether it be a physical order shipped to your doorstep or something you can download and keep for yourself.

Let me know if you buy something, and enjoy!
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