Friday, 28 February 2014


I've been slacking on blogging recently due to some personal & university issues but I thought I'd share some pictures from my recent trip to Amsterdam.
This city is amazing! It should be in your top 10 places to visit no matter what you're hobbies or interests are. It's well known but the legal drugs and women in windows but despite that, it is really a beautiful city.
I fell in love with the architecture and how everyone rides bikes -even though that part scared me crazy!-

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Monday, 17 February 2014

Macadamia Oil Foot Pack Review

A friend recommended this Macadamia oil foot pack to me and knowing the good properties of Macadamia oil I bought one and tried it. These are just £1 in Poundland which you can't complain about and they claim to 'penetrate deep into the skin to reduce callus build up and help repair cracked & split heels'

 They are simply one pair of plastic boots that are lined inside with the actual oil. They smell great and you can really smell the peppermint oil in them which helps because no one likes smelly feet!

 The instructions are so simple - you just open up the pack and put on the boots for up to 20 minutes. Initially when you put your feet in the boots you notice how cold the gel is! It gave me a chilling effect because when my feet are cold I'm cold everywhere. Never the less, they didn't bother me for the duration they were on.

Overall, my feet feel really moisturised and soft, the heels are softened but I'm unsure on how they will prevent any callus or cracks in future. This is a nice beauty treatment for a pamper night or part of a beauty regime before a night out but I doubt I'll be doing this everyday.

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Sunday, 16 February 2014

MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer Review

I was looking for Lime Crime lipstick online and came across a lot of people saying that the new MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer was a good dupe for Lime Crime Lipstick, so decided to try it out!

I bought this lipstick in the colour Reckless
Its a dark red which reminds me of MAC's Russian Red, Rimmel Kate Matte Wine 107 and Lime Crime Glamour 101 
If you wanted a bright, vibrant red I wouldn't recommend this as its dark and dries even darker then when applied.
It retails on the MUA website and at Superdrug for £3 which you can't complain about!

The actual lipstick is pretty thick so one coat is enough. It dries matte which is perfect with an almost velvet texture -hence the name-
I wore this for about 5 hours and drank a few glasses of juice and noticed it did wear off but only slightly where my lips came into contact with the glass. I'm in love with this lipstick! It didn't fade at all or transfer onto my fingers or clothes - BARELY onto the glass when I drank.
This is a perfect dupe for so many colours and at such a cheap price I know I'll go out and try the other colours.

REMEMBER - Superdrug do 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT! (I know it's great right?!)
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Friday, 14 February 2014

Simple & Inexpensive Nail Art

Have you ever wanted to stand out and decorate your nails in different ways but have no idea how to achieve the simple, sweet designs you've seen? Snap me too!
I've found a blog that gives you the easiest step by step guide on how to make even the shortest nails stand out from the crowd.

Cute & Simple Nail Art has some really easy guides on creating great nails! These are just some of my favourites but there's more to have a look at. The best thing is Fran, who runs this blog, uses inexpensive nail varnishes that are easily available to get hold of and won't cost you a months rent!
You can find her blog linked above or her button on the right.

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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Affordable Handmade Jewellery

I've branched out! This is just a quick update about cute little handmade bracelets I've started making! They're inexpensive & great for presents. Fast & discounted delivery for multiple purchases!
There's only 3 designs available at the moment with a choice of 2 colours but there will be more added!
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Saturday, 1 February 2014

LUSH Mask of Magnaminty Review

For Christmas I received a LUSH Cosmetics Voucher and only just got round to spending it. I bought this highly recommended face mask and thought I'd share my thoughts!

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