Saturday, 31 March 2012

London and Louboutin Look a Likes

I havent blogged much this week but ive been mega busy! I went to London on tuesday with my school, the first time ever, and i loved it. I couldnt get enough of the tiny bit of the city we saw! We walked from Kensington through Hydes Park and St James park round Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey then to a psychology conference. It was a gorgeous day so i threw on an old dress and sandals and took my camera out for the day.

I also purchased some very cheap shoes from a very cheap shop in a town near me, i dont care theyre a perfect bargin to wear on sunday for my 18th birthday. Im heading into Birmingham city centre for a night out with my closest friends, which happen to be 10 other people and i will be crippled in these shoes but they were an amazing bargin for £20 from Bluestar.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Percy and Reed Hydrating Mask Review

Everyone loves a freebie right and ive heard about the Percy & Reed brand and when i saw it free in April's issue of Glamour Magazine i couldnt pass up the chance to buy the magazine and try and their Totally TLC Hydrating Hair Mask. They usually sell this product in a tub of 200ml for £20.00 which in my eyes is expensive as the sample in the magazine is only 100ml and the magazine cost £2.

As you can see it says, "Need a rescue remedy? This deep, indulgent treatment helps restores your hair’s vitality, and makes it soft and more manageable. How? Well, we’ve enlisted marshmallow to lend a hand nourishing and strengthening stressed tresses, and coconut oil for deep conditioning and moisturising. Our heroes."Price & Appearance
Firstly, i wouldn't pay £20.00 for a hydrating hair mask from a brand i havent heard a great deal about. Secondly the appearance is appealing to the eye. Although lacking colour the product and the rest of its range is sophisticated and designed by an artist.
The product itself
The actual hair mask is a white cream like most hair masks but not as thick as conditioners as you can see below. I smelt the product as soon as I opened the magazine packaging and i wasnt too impressed. The hair mask is like perfume and its very, very strong. I can only describe it as an eldery lady smell but thats my personal opinion. It comes out the tube easily enough and isnt sticky.

Application & Result
I expected, for the retail price of this product considering you get 200ml, the mask to cover a lot more of my hair. As you can see my hair is farely long but not very thick and i used over half the tube on just one application of my hair. This would mean i would probably get around 3-4 applications out of the retailed tub. I feel thats not value for money considering i would be paying £20 for it. I have used other branded hair masks for a lot cheaper, that have lasted me a lot longer. Despite that the hair mask was applied for a minimum of 10 minutes and then rinsed out with warm water. During these 10 minutes I wrapped my hair in a towel as it states on the tube but continued to be put off the smell which was still very strong!
I was surprised at the results, my hair felt softer but did still smell terrible
Opinion Overall i would give it a 6/10. It would of been 7 if it smelt more appealing. I dont believe its good value for money as ive used way cheap hair masks that have would last longer but the packaging and results are nothing to complain about!



My busy week begins!

I don't know where to put myself this week ive got such a busy week ahead of me! I do nothing but work usually on my weekends so theres never much to blog about, no one wants to see my work uniform i work at McDonalds! The weathers been stupidly gorgeous this weekend and this week looks to stay the same. Im going the weekend will stay like this because i hit 18 on sunday and i couldnt be more excited, im also going to London tuesdsay for a psychology conference but not before some cheeky sight seeing!

Today i wore Next leggins, as usual, an unbuttoned vintage denim shirt and
a River Island white racer back low armhole vest (£8 here) I paired that with new Primark blue bow sandals that rubbed me all day and will not be worn for a long, long time! Floral longline bra is from New Look.


Friday, 23 March 2012

Good Things 5 Minute Facial Face Mask Review

I recently bought Good Things 5 Minute Facial and only just got round to using to and decided to write a review, well just because I can!
Price & Appearance
I bought it from Boots for £5.99 just on a whim. I'd never heard of the brand before or any of their products and what attracted me straight away was the design. The tube is a lilac colour with black, purple and pink detailing which caught my eye and made me look closer. I was looking for smaller sachets of face mask products usually a lot cheaper but this face mask was definitely worth the extra money! As it comes in a tube sealed by a capped lid and will obviously last more than one use, for £5.99 it probably works out cheaper.

The product itself
The face mask itself comes out a similar colour to the tube and it’s a thick cream substance however it does state the product colour may vary due to natural ingredients. It smells amazing! It has a fruity smell but not too over powerful or fragrant, more of a natural smell which is fitting as it contains natural ingredients.
Application & Result
Like any other face mask you have to apply it to a dry and clean face free from makeup. The face mask comes out pretty easy as it’s not too thick and it’s easy to spread onto the skin as you only need a thin layer, in my opinion layering it on wouldn’t achieve a better result it would just the waste the product as a thin layer achieves good results.
After waiting 5 minutes for the mask to dry you wash it off with warm water, it’s easily done with hands but a flannel could be used to make the process quicker. After doing this and drying my face I was pleasantly surprised! It left my skin not only feeling really fresh and soft but smelling fresh and fruity but not in the over powering way! I have naturally dry and oily skin this didn't leave my skin feeling oily at all although it was a little dry in places.
Opinion8/10 Im confident to give this face mask an 8 out of 10 because its reasonaly priced, well packaged, smells amazing and leaves my skin feeling truely more fresh. I will definitely be checking out their other products.

That friday feeling

Everyone gets that friday feeling even if they don't have major plans for the weekend, which has been me since november when i booked my holiday because ive been skint :( But i know once this weekend is over i only have a week left until i get the weekend off and my birthday comes around. Plus im going to London on tuesday so im dead excited about that. We've had lush weather in the midlands today so i threw on a thing beige long vest from H&M and a long thin cream blouse from Primark and paired it with black Next leggings and beige dolly shoes. The blue stone and bird necklace is from Topshop.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Tea Time

You can't beat a cup of coffee and toasted teacakes with cherry jam and honey!

Mothers know best.

I wore this to 6th form today, i live in leggings its awful i seem to just want to buy leggings and thats it. My mom bought me these before christmas and i love them! Not sure how much they were but they were from Miss Selfridge, i thought she did well. Maybe the saying mom knows best is actually true! My blazers from H&M and the white top is from Primark. I also wore my slave bracelet from Forever 21 which i adore! I usually wear it every time i go out because people always compliment me on how nice it is and its an easy piece of jewellery to match to outfits.

My make up was really simple, just a light layer of Max Factor Lasting Performance Foundation, NYC Big Bold Mascara and today i opted for darker eyeshadow and i used Collection 2000 Smokey Eyes Pallet.

April is coming!

I couldn't be more excited for April, its not a packed month for me but i have enough to keep me busy! It's my 18th birthday on the 1st, an unfortunate day for some but its my favourite day of the year not only because its my birthday because i love the spirit of everyone after all it is the day for practical jokes and it doesnt stop me! Im heading out my girls into Birmingham city centre for a night over and lots of drinks! Ill definitely post on my birthday and show my outfit.
Im also supposed to be having some friends come down from Sunderland for the weekend beginning the 13th, it may or may not happen they arent entirely reliable but im considering going up there on my own for a night or two if i have some time off during half term.
 Im also taking part in few competitions on you can check them out and like them here

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Spring/Summer Wishlist

After routing through fashion magazines and doing some window shopping online ive complied a spring/summer wishlist of fashion products that are on my current wishlist.

Todays Outfit - March 21th 2012

Today really didn't start off very well! I was an hour late for 6th form so i threw on an average outfit, it could of been worse and for sure could of been better.
Stripey top with Lace Collar - Next
White Vest and Jeans - New Look
Shoes which im not wearing - Primark, same as yesterdays
Ring - Topshop

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Kourtney Kardashian's Cat Eye Sunglasses

Kourtney Kardashian has been pictured many times in magazines with gorgeous looking cat eye sunglasses, usually black. Ive looked around a few internet shopping sites and not seen any under £30 that rival how much i like Kourtneys, however i came across some similiar looking ones in white from ASOS and i love them and they're only £12! A summer must have!

Todays Make up

Todays make up was a little different as i save false eyelashes until special occasions but because i dressed up as the queen of hearts i thought it fitting to put a little more effort in. These eyelashes are Boots own and i think they're the Natural Volume ones not too sure but they cost around £4.

This is what else i use. Gosh Velvet Touch Foundation Primer is one of the cheapest primers around but one of the most expensive things in my make up bag. You can get it from Superdrug for £12.99 and it is well worth using!
Secondly i use Collection 2000 Natural Matt and Minerals Foundation ( 3 Natural Beige). Its £2.99 from Boots but i tend to mix it with a lighter coloured foundation as it can look the right shade when applied but develop a lot darker.
Thirdly i use NYC Big Bold Mascara currently however i change mascara a lot and tend to return back to Maybelline Mascara Volume Express Colossal in Black.

Todays Outfit

As this is my new fashion blog ill post outfits i like, and this is what i wore today. The weather didnt look too good this morning so i opted for something a little warmer.

Jumper - Topshop £36
Leggings - Next £8
Pumps - Primark £6


My New Blog!

Ive wanted to start a proper blog for a long time, not just a Tumblr full of funny pictures of cats or some hispters with long hair. Ive had Tumblr for ages and ive enjoyed it but i wanted a blog where i can be taken seriously and as im hoping to move away to university in september i want a blog i can be taken seriously on, a blog that people will actually follow and read. So here it is!
 I really just want to post pictures about what inspires me, my daily outfits however horrid they may be and my general life!
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