Do you ever find the front of cheap, or some expensive, pallets boring? Are you strapped for cash or just fancy jazzing up and getting a little creative?
I found a cheap and totally free way of making my cheap pallets look a bit better
This may look a bit tacky but I decided to add a little something to a cheap palette I bought off eBay. The W88 Natural Nude palette costs between £8 and £10 on eBay. I also had a mark on the palette that was bumpy and annoying, from leaving a nail varnish soaked cotton pad on it one L
All you will need is – old magazines, nail glue (any kind, even pva or super glue will work), scissors preferably small ones like nail scissors and a pen or maker to draw your shapes/letters
Start by selecting an image from a magazine you want to have on your pallet, or by selecting a pattern you like. For instance, a beach with sand on it could be nice?
Draw a shape on this paper or a letter. Draw it bigger than it needs to be and cut within the lines so you don’t get the pen outline on your final piece of paper.
Flip the paper over and put a thin layer of glue or whatever you’re using, down the middle of the shape and press it lightly onto your palette lid.
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