Saturday, 2 August 2014

One Month In Canada

If you follow my blog or any of my social media accounts (links are on the left) you will know that I am heading to Canada for a month. I made this trip last summer to see my brother and sister who live there, along with their children. This year I'm going for an entire month and flying a different route via Iceland and directly into the city my family live in rather than a direct flight to a different city and get a coach.

If you've never been to Canada I seriously suggest looking into it and not just the popular tourist cities. The mountains are beautiful and the people are the friendliest I have ever met. The country is truly beautiful whether you want to sightsee, shop in one of the worlds biggest malls (West Edmonton Mall) or camp in the mountains, Canada is worth every penny!

I've scheduled some posts for while I'm away and will try my best to blog. Keep checking my social media pages for pictures and updates.

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Friday, 1 August 2014

Top 5 Travel Tips

The weather might be unpredictable but the chance of you going away to somewhere hot and sunny this summer is pretty certain. I've been lucky enough to travel a lot of times and realised its important to take the right things with you. These are my top 5 travel tips for this summer. 



Myself and millions of other people on the world have this deep satisfactory feeling of happiness when buying stationary. If you don't, you're missing out. 
The perfect way to curb the need to constantly buy stationary is to buy a Filofax or another kind of organiser/journal. 

I've had mine since the start of university but only really started using it and decorating it when my friend showed me these amazing IG and YouTube videos of 'planner nerds' 
They have intensively crazy planners which are decorated with washi tape, stickers and all sorts. Just YouTube or search on IG for Filofax set up and planner decoration - you will be amazed! 

Anyway, I had a need to start buying some stationary for my 3rd year at university which I start in September (it's gone way too fast someone take me back to primary school!) so had a quick nose in staples.   
Pictures quality is poor due to my camera deciding to break. 

I picked up an Oxford refill pad HALF PRICE for under £2.

These cute memo pads came in a pack of 3 for only £1.20! 

And finally this cute polka dot tray of clips, paper files and pins for £2.29. The tiny clips are a perfect size for my Filofax. 

Let me know you're stationary favourites or what you will be using this year in the classroom/workplace! 
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