Monday, 30 September 2013

Where Have I Been?

They say time fly's when you're having fun. And I couldn't agree more!
This summer has been amazing for me and I've found very little time to blog what with going to Canada for 3 weeks, Jamaica for 2 weeks then moving into a new house at university. I now live with 5 boys (yes, 5) in a student house in Bognor Regis where my university campus is. It was a last minute choice as my old landlady messed me around but I can say I am happy here!

University has been slow to start with as I only had a handful of lectures before we got the week off for freshers week. Going into my second year is scary but exciting knowing i am nearly halfway through my university education. I have changed my course to Marketing and feel happier about doing so. Hopefully this gets me where I want to be in life which still seems like the very distant future to me. I'm going to include some pictures of my second year at university so far.

I'll see you all soon!!

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