Tuesday, 23 July 2013


As mentioned in previous posts I recently returned from just over 3 weeks in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada where my brother and sister live along with my two nieces and two nephews. I thought I'd post a few of my favorite pictures from the trip and when we went into the mountains in Jasper.

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Monday, 22 July 2013

Can you say HEAT?!

I have truly experienced heat these past few weeks with the English summer peaking new heat heights and it being well over 30 degrees in Canada. Ive only made it worse for myself - in 2 weeks im jetting off the Runaway Bay Jamaica!
 My dads side of my family come from the parish down the road and a lot of our family are travelling over there for 2 weeks so i shall be happily joining them.

Pictures will be coming soon, promise!
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