Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Canada So Far...

I haven't found the time to write a blog post in ages... as you can tell. My Canada trip is as hectic as ever and not a lot changes. My days are filled with watching my nieces and nephews run around and cause havoc, bug each other and love one another. It's precious time I don't want to waste.

I've been doing lots even though sometimes it feels like I am not.
I've been Canadian Camping (what I call it) twice with my family and had the privilege of swimming in Gull Lake, jet skiing and boating with plus 30 degree weather.

Also I treated myself to a lot of make up goodies that are only available or easily accessible in North America! I will be doing lots of blogging and reviews of make up and skin care items when I'm back on English soil but right now I can't get a spare minute (and the right lighting) to take pictures and right a decent blog post.

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