Friday, 7 November 2014

My Hair, Nails and Skin Holy Grail

Over the past year I've discovered a hidden gem in the he vitamin world that has helped me to improve my hair, skin and nails.
I'm in no ways being paid to write this, I just want to share something I've found that really works for me! 

Sea kelp is a supplement available from health shops like Holland and Barrett. They are tiny tablets that are branded to support weight management because they contain Iodine which is a key ingredient in any kind of fat binding or weight loss tablet.

I was recommended these on the basis of it being a vitamin for hair and nail growth no weight management and after having tried these for over 6 months I can confidently say, they do nothing to help with weight loss.

Dietary information -
Suitable for vegetarians
No added sugars
No artificial colours
Gluten free
Lactose free
Milk free
Porcine free
No artificial preservatives
Soya free
Starch free
Wheat free
Yeast free
Salt free
No artificial sweeteners

After taking these 3 times a day for at least 2 weeks I've noticed a dramatic increase in the growth of my hair and nails, especially with the latter. My nails are longer and strong than ever which I am pleased about, and my hair is growing like the clappers.

500 15mg Sea Kelp tablets are currently on offer at Holland and Barrett for half price here

If you've tried these or have any other hair and nail vitamin success (or failure) stories, please comment and let me know!
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