Monday, 13 January 2014

Top 3 Ways to Make Make-Up Last Longer

A lot of people struggle to last the day without touching up their make-up, especially if they have no time. I've researched 5 easy ways to help your make up stay on longer. Read more for the top 5 ways!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

IMerchandise App!

A brand new app that will help you catalogue all you're favourite styles and outfits from shows and everyday life!


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Students on a Budget | Affordable Make Up Brushes

Sometimes it’s hard to find affordable make up brushes when you’re on a student budget like me and thousands of other students!
I've found some good quality brushes I use and would like to share with everyone.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

DIY Craft Palettes

Do you ever find the front of cheap, or some expensive, pallets boring? Are you strapped for cash or just fancy jazzing up and getting a little creative?
I found a cheap and totally free way of making my cheap pallets look a bit better

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