Sunday, 15 April 2012

Spending Spree

It was my birthday recently and amongst other gifts i got some money and my pay went up at work so i decided to treat myself to a few things.
Top row, all ASOS. Drop armhole vest £26; Bikini top £8 Bikini bottoms £4.50; Sunglasses £7
Aztec Jacket River Island £12
Bottom Row all Drop armhole vest £13.99; Body con skirt £7.69; Tights £5.99.
Nearly everything was in the sale and i got free delivery offers on ASOS and River Island!


Wednesday, 11 April 2012


I've been so busy lately ive had little time for my blog, which is sad and im sorry! This easter holidays been full of alcohol, work and being very very low on money :( Ive bought some gorgeous things over the past week or so and ill be sure to take some pictures and upload them when i have time. But for now its time to get ready for my 7 hour shift, booo!
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